Sunday, February 2, 2014


"A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Oh boy did this week get away from me.  I thought taking a photo of each girl just once a week would be simple.  I was wrong!  These are more "snapshots" than anything, but they sure capture some of things I hope I never forget about these cuties.

Lou:  We spend a lot of time gathered around the kitchen counter.  I love these little toes peeking out as she sits high enough to reach the counter.

Boo:  I was going to do this in b&w but couldn't bring myself to mute all the outrageous colors.  This is Bailey to the "T."  Mis-matched pj's, loads of jewelry (or "jury" as she calls it), scare hair, and her favorite head band.  Sporting her own unique style :)

Sue:  I love taking picture of Sara on her changing table.  This was at night when I was getting her ready for bed.  Only her lamp was on and I loved the shadows of the mobile on the wall as she played with her little toes.  I never want to forget how nearly every time I lay her down, her feet and hands seem to automatically find themselves. 

Linking with lovely Jodi at Practicing Simplicity


  1. I agree. The shadows on the last photo are great. I too love to take photos near the ground in my living room. The shadows the hardwood floors give off is great to me. Great photos you submitted
