Monday, January 6, 2014

an invitation: PHOTO SHARE | JOY

Like I mentioned, I enjoy photography....A LOT!  In fact, I just got a new camera.  YEAH!  I shoot with Nikon and stuck with Nikon but I kind of feel like I'm kind of starting over.  I've spent hours reading my manual, a help book, and articles online about configuring my new "toy." There really isn't a lot that's different about my camera, just A LOT more to it.  It's been fun.  It's been a challenge.  I've been highlighting, dog-earring, and marking pages my book of things I want to try or learn more about.  Last week I got an invitation to join a group of photographers to share weekly images for a year.  What better way to challenge myself and give me motivation to try all these new things?  I was so excited.  Couldn't have come at a better time.

The blog is  The contributors are photographers ranging from the hobbyist to the professional.  All of us share a love of photography, are excited to learn and help each other, and looking forward to challenging ourselves creatively.  Each week there is a theme.  We are to interpret that theme (or word) however we want in a picture.  Saturday nights we post our image and from there we give and receive feedback, admire each others art and enjoy seeing all the different ways the same theme can be expressed.  

Last week was the first week.  Them theme/word was 


I thought for sure it would be simple.  I thought I'd just take a picture of my uber darling kids.  Well, the days came and went and every time I tried got the camera out to capture "JOY," my girls would start fighting, my memory card was full, someone would call...taking a picture of "JOY" was going to be harder than I thought.  

I tried "staging" some moments, but didn't feel they were genuine.  SO, I went for a drive.  I found "JOY" in the beautiful blue sky and the fact that I had to wear sunglasses!  It was such a pretty day and it felt good to be out enjoying it.  I took a few pictures.  I was going to share my "JOY" of the blue sky.  

After loading and editing all the pictures I took of the week, it didn't end up being the blue sky picture I submitted.  I found myself smiling the most at a simple snapshot I took of my baby.  



1 comment:

  1. What a cool challenge! I can really see how it would make you look at the world different. This post of yours really had me thinking. Sometimes we look so hard for JOY - when it is simply there all around us, all the time.
